A much-circulated photo of two brothers, one living in New York City and one in New Jersey, showed one much shorter than the other. Why? Because the water in New Jersey had become seriously contaminated with chemicals." The second factor is one at the forefront of many minds: climate ...
When you're shopping for light bulbs, you want to know how much light the bulb produces and how much energy it consumes. You'll find that information on the packaging. You can compare bulbs by consulting a watts to lumens chart, which you can find online or in any lighting store. When...
Lighting Completes The LooksUsing "digital light," every scene is lit in much the same manner as stage lighting. Key, fill, and bounce lights and room ambience are all defined and used to enhance the mood and emotion of each scene. Lighting takes its inspiration from the moody color scripts...
Still LED back lighting really seems to be smacking LCDs now on power and the price difference is becoming minimal and could easily cover itself in short order. Also LED makes for much slimmer, lighter panels (and woblier too). You know that marketers are taking over our world when even s...
In any case, I can’t imagine that an illusionist could actually do a full show “in the round”. Not even David Copperfield. Maybe Criss Angel does. Somebody check on Criss Angel. I would, but my mind is too freaked. Standing next to Charles was a much younger woman who could have...