Some endowment funds have guidelines stating how much of each year's investment income can be spent. For many universities, this amount is approximately 5% of the endowment's total asset value. Some elite institutions, such as Harvard, have endowments that are worth billions of dollars, so this...
Between 1985 and 2008, Harvard University's endowment generated 15.23% returns, while Yale pulled in 16.62%. Both endowments handily outperformed theS&P 500, which only grew 12% during that same time period. But there is no magic formula behind any one school's success. In fact, each univers...
“If there is an investigation, it certainly doesn’t seem to be causing much concern,” Margery Smelkinson, one of the Jewish parents, told theJewish Telegraphic Agencylast week. “The process is completely opaque, and it’s hard not to conclude that nothing is actuall...
We decided to accept this preschool's offer and enroll him in Fall 2021. The school is alanguage immersion school that goes through the 8th grade. We are thrilled to have gotten in and we hope our son loves the school as well. If he does, our daughter will have an easier time getting...
and resource goods and high-tech goods. In this manner, we have proven that China’s aid was not intended to extract resources from recipient countries. Instead, China has helped recipient countries enhance their endogenous develo...
but it really isn't much of a race when some have been training for years while others couldn't even afford a pair of running shoes. As Teddy Roosevelt explained in 1910, after his progressive turn, "I know perfectly well that men in a race run at unequal rates of speed. I don't ...
Quite simply, in one way or another, wellbeing seems to be on everybody's lips. Although much research that mentions wellbeing does not critically engage with it, certain scholarship does, questioning and furthering an academic understanding of wellbeing. Here early consensus seemed to be that...
Personally, I always like to invest in laggards or investments that are not mainstream. Stocks have done wonders for us so far. Therefore, I'm much morebullish on rental properties. Rental properties and commercial real estate should catch up and rebound in the new year. ...
Much of the book concerns itself with the three interventions. But the author is also emphatic in stating that they only take countries to a certain development stage. Over time, these policies create problems and have to change as countries transition to the next phase, when the ‘economics ...
On their own, these embarrassments are not an existential threat to the standing of America's most vaunted universities. Their ability to anoint America's aspiring elites remains intact—as do their eye-wateringly large financial endowments. But the fiascos of recent months have exposed serious fai...