“I went into the training thinking that I already had a great pitch. It amazed me at how much the pitch improved after just one hour with Marc.” Falon Smith, Managing Director of Research Dissemination Children’s Healthy Weight Research Group “Marc has a gift! After just one hour, I...
If you're still buying gas and electricity to cook scavenged food, you're still very much on the grid. Freegans, however, maintain that every little bit counts; each scavenged item helps minimize the cycle of consumption. And with Americans wasting 96 billion pounds of food a year --...
Foster care administrator:If you hold this position, prepare to spend much of your time working with foster and adoptive parents, the government, and other community stakeholders to place children in safe and caring homes before they find their forever families. ...
Ministries like Florida's 4Kids take a look at how to help transition aged out foster youth into successful adulthoods.
life is on fire We appreciate you writing in to Empowering Parents and sharing your story. I hear how much you are struggling right now with living with your mom. Because we are a website aimed at helping people become more effective parents, we are limited in the advice andMore ...
My recommendation is to book early and not make the same mistake we did: spend our last pennies on flights and then think about accommodation much later. Same goes for the Eurostar if you’re travelling from London – preferable to book early as prices go up really fast and become ...
Luckily this year we’ve been able to take on more interns which it comes with a cost or a price. I assumed early on, “We’re going to bring on these interns and we’re going to teach them so much stuff and it’s going to be great. And we’re going to be so productive.” ...
It's not easy being a screenwriter in Hollywood. Often, the first writer on a screenplay won't even get credit because so much of the original screenplay has been revised. Others might sell a script for six digits, but then constantly worry about not being able to sell the next one. ...
Stoker arrived at both elements through extensive research. He set much of the action in the mysterious mountains of the Transylvania province of Romania, and he based his vampires on eastern European and gypsy folklore. Selectively sampling from several versions of the vampire myth and adding some...
So much for appliance week:This weekend’s attacks on Israel prompted House GOP leaders to scrap their plans to spend the week passing messaging bills opposing Biden administration energy-efficiency standards. Instead, ahost of tough-on-Iran billshave been fast-tracked to the floor. But the bigg...