Find out how much your expected dental bills would be with new dentists you’re considering. Ask if they offer multiple payment options, such as credit cards or payment plans. Learn how much you have to pay upfront and if visits outside of regular office hours cost more. If your dental ...
But the second thing I'd say is make sure you leverage and make full use of the human capital. Never let your talents dissipate and your skills. If you have the ability to find something you're passionate about, just create it and grow it as much as you can. Bob: The last thing I...
Box 1: Factors that dental practice owners need to consider for reopening. PPE = personal protective equipment. (Image: Key-Stone) We believe that the truly great problem in the coming months, or perhaps years, will not be so much that of demand for treatment, nor the purchasing power of ...
Cone Beam CT Cost The cost of a cone beam CT scan usually ranges between $100 and $600, depending on how much of your head needs to be imaged. Your medical or dental insurance may cover some or all of the cost of imaging. However, it’s a good idea to check with your dental insu...
Post-Graduate Dental Education Four years of dental school is adequate preparation to practice general dentistry. Some dentists want to specialize and therefore undertake two to six years of additional post-graduate training. Areas of specialty practice include endodontics (concerning the soft tissue, or...
Post-Graduate Dental Education Four years of dental school is adequate preparation to practice general dentistry. Some dentists want to specialize and therefore undertake two to six years of additional post-graduate training. Areas of specialty practice include endodontics (concerning the soft tissue, or...