If you are reading this because you googled "my dog is in heat and bleeding everywhere," you're not alone. Unspayedfemale dogsexperience through hormonal changes that affect their behavior both before, during, and after each heat cycle. Bleeding is one of the unpleasant associations dog owners...
The easiest way to help your dog enjoy his last few days is tomanage his pain as much as possible. Many types of chronic illness can cause pain, so you’ll need to tailor your approach to your dog’s specific ailment. If he has arthritis in his hips, for example, you probably want ...
Surprisingly, around 100,000 sorts of weevil exist in the world. There are a few kinds of pests known to negatively affect all kinds of packaged food sources that you might unintentionally bring into your room: Rice weevils:You can find them in rice, and they enter your bedroom through an...
Another commonly repeated bit of conventional wisdom is that you shouldn't play tug of war with your dog, because it will cause behavior problems, especially if you let him win the game. This is also largely a myth. A studytested dogs on a set of behavioral measuresbefore and after playin...
What does it mean if your baby has been active but now seems to have less energy? It may be normal. But how can you tell? Call your doctor right away if you notice a big change in how much your baby is moving. Your doctor has monitoring equipment that can be used to check if the...
Too much nutrients – Leaf tips turn brown and dry, often referred to as “nutrient burn”. However, other problems besides nutrient burn can affect leaf tips. Check this out: Is it nutrient burn or something else?Is my tap water “good enough” for growing cannabis?
Because the Earth's climate is so complex, no one is really sure how much a change to one region's climate will affect other regions. For example, scientists at the University of Colorado theorize that the decrease in sea ice in the Arctic could reduce snowfall in Colorado because Arctic ...
Here are a few more details on why children should steer clear of these drinks as much as possible, even when aiming to stay hydrated: Sports drinks All sports drinks contain added sugar. These drinks are sometimes recommended if you're exercising and sweating for more than one hour. But ...
A common rule of thumb is to collect data for two complete business cycles, preferably without a holiday or unusual event that could skew behavior. With enough traffic, a heatmap provides a clear snapshot of how users interact with your site, making it easier to fix problem areas and optimi...
Behavior Change You know your dog best. And if your dog behaves strangely, he is probably telling you something. Here are some indications that your best friend may be sick as a dog: Lethargy Irritability Agitation Withdrawal Needy or clingy behavior ...