you will be paying for the privilege. So much so that the price per mile of driving might not be that much different to that of a petrol or diesel car.
In a gasoline or diesel engine, the fuel burns inside the cylinders themselves. Internal combustion wastes much less energy because the heat doesn't have to flow from where it's produced into the cylinder: everything happens in the same place. That's why internal combustion engines are more ...
Meanwhile, fuel prices have fallen from their high of a few years ago, but they’re still much higher than electricity costs. Filling the average 55-litre family car with petrol now costs around £80, while diesel remains more expensive, albeit less so. A similar fill would cost around ...
How is the cost driver per unit measured?Answer and Explanation: The cost driver per unit is determined by dividing the cost by the number of units. For example, if a machine costs $1000 a day to operate but produces 1000 units a day, the cost driver is $1 per unit for machine ...
Bad sparkplugs can decrease the fuel economy of a vehicle by as much as 30% and cost drivers as much as 94 cents a gallon. If you’ve found that your car’s gas mileage isn’t what it once was, you may want to make sure your spark plugs are doing their job. ...
The fuel gets burned while idling is a known fact but how much is used, is the question here.A study points out the fact that the rate of fuel consumption while idling depends from car to car. Generally, an idling car uses somewhere between 1/5 to 1/7 gallon of fuel per hour. ...
How Much Does It Cost to Run a Generator? The cost of running a generator varies based on the type of generator and fuel prices. Gasoline Generators A 5 kW gas generator burns approximately 0.75 gallons of fuel per hour. If the average price of gasoline in your area is $3 per gallon,...
The need for energy has been growing over the years. This has been particularly true for developing countries. If we look at the world’s demand for energy, we will find that it has tripled in the past 50 years. While much of this demand is said to be put forward by the rapidly boo...
It turns out there are energy sources out there that are much more bizarre than corn and sugar. For the most part, almost anything that can be burned can be used as a fuel source, but to really work on a large scale, an alternate energy source has to meet certain criteria. It has ...