or how much it would cost if they wanted me to make another table for them. To the latter question my answer is that I'm in the software business, not the furniture business, but hey, start writing zeros on the napkin and I'll tell you when to stop. ...
Commercialization is widely believed to be achievable for metal halide perovskite solar cells with high efficiency and low fabrication cost. However, stability remains a key obstacle for them to compete with established photovoltaic technologies. The pho
or how much it would cost if they wanted me to make another table for them. To the latter question my answer is that I'm in the software business, not the furniture business, but hey, start writing zeros on the napkin and I'll tell you when to stop. ...
@fation thank you very much for sharing this example. I am curious to hear your responses to @Rob’s questions. I took some time to look through your source code. I think it could be a great resource for the rest of the community. GitHub GitHub - wangzhongliang/CesiumHeatmap: Cesium...
Just to give you an idea how much improvement it gave me, I did it on one of my 5″ with BN220 GPS. Before this mod, I used to get a 3D fix in around 2 minutes, with a maximum satellites of 14. After applying the settings described in this post, I now get a 3D fix in aro...
Buying cheese without plastic has always been problematic because even if I take my own container to the cheese counter, the larger wheels or blocks from which the cheese is sliced generally come shrink-wrapped in plastic. So I'm always on the lookout fo
Radiation Detection is not generally a subject of much interest in the popular media, except during major events such as the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns of March 2011, Chernobyl May 1986, Three Mile Island March 1979. Today, news of radioactive Cesium approaching California was reported by Dr....
Clocks are one of the very first complex machines created by humans. Initially they all had pendulums and gears, but now they come in many different forms, from quartz watches to atomic clocks! Here are the HowStuffWorks articles that explain how they all work: How Pendulum Clocks Work How ...
And though it seems easy enough to sip and swirl the wine to judge its flavors, this can be a fleeting experience, one that may not add much to your taste memory in the long run. For this reason, it's a good idea to take some brief notes while you are sampling a wine, even if...
on this.”15An oceanographer said, “People want to know what’s happening with the cesium and how much is in the fish, but we don’t know.” Neither cooking nor filtration eliminates radioactive cesium; for fish flesh, cooking merely concentrates the amount of radiocesium per unit tissue....