You'll also want some binder clips, which I use in conjunction with a spoon to keep bagged food submerged in the water bath. A bunch of Ping-Pong balls will be useful for insulating your water bath and preventing too much evaporation. (Read more about that here.) Serious Eats / Nick...
It’s also important to protect your eyes. Especially if it’s cloudy, it might seem like there isn’t actually that much light. But since snow reflects light very effectively, your eyes can easily get damaged without you even noticing. This is calledsnow blindness, and the best way to a...
make sure to have plenty of cold water in coolers on hand. More than you think you may need. Place a couple of ice blocks in per day and check water level frequently. Watermelon is also low cost, and serves as a cool fresh treat on hot summer days...
Instead say,"I'd love to bring you a meal next week. Does Monday work?" Taking away the element ofthinkingthrough schedules to find a good time and date can make a huge difference when someone is already dealing with so much. The MealTrain site really helps with the guesswork of this,...
An example of a fully automated ice cream cone maker. From the coolers, batter is pumped to storage tanks next to the baking ovens. It is then pumped through a pipe. Cake-cone batter is pumped into the cake-cone molds, and waffle/sugar-cone batter flows onto plates much like the bottom...
Just curious: how much does extreme couponing lead to food waste? Thanks, Ivo D., London, UK Yo, Ivo! Extreme couponing, eh? That reminds me of the expression, â€all things to the extreme.“ Oh that’s right, it’s the opposite — “all...
How much does it cost to host a favorite things party? This is entirely up to you! The beauty of this party is that it can be as minimal or as elaborate as you want – or as your budget allows! Because this was the first year of being a host I basically started from the ground ...
” But Udall believes the issue of remediating plastic pollution has the potential to transcend the bitter divides of our current politics. The notion that we’re all consuming a credit card a week turns the stomachs of Republicans just as much as it does Democrats. “We don’t know the ...
Steve: Okay how does one decides on a good port of entry for a shipment; let’s say if you don’t live near water? Pam: It depends your final destination, and how quickly you need it too. Now why we send so much to Long Beach is because it takes 13 to 15 days of sailing time...
Boxed mixes are convenient, but sure can cost a pretty penny. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to recreate some of my favorite boxed mixes and stock my pantry with homemade versions. As an added bonus, I’ve found that they taste SO much better than the originals. I can even ...