15. Ark: Survival Evolved (PC / PS4 / PS5 / XBOX / iOS / Android / Mac OS / Nintendo Switch) You wake up on the shore of a mysterious island. You must learn how to survive in this environment where giant primitive creatures abound. Start with absolutely nothing. Use your wisdom and...
My apologies.If you see ads appearing on this site and getting annoyed or disturb by them. As much as I want to share everything for free, unfortunately the domain and hosting used to host all these articles are not free. That’s the reason I need the ads ...
Well it's not much of a change? 0 Reply 8 rastamadeus Sun 21st Jun 2015 Is this something you are forced to have on the PS4 or can it be taken away? I know it's an optional download but I mean on the fifteen last used list we have. There's already far too many...
How can I get mods on my ps4 ps4 mods ark 由MrPickle发表于 四月2, 2020在General Discussion 已归档 该主题已归档,关闭其他点评。
In terms of hours invested though Destiny represents the best cost per hour of any game I have played. I know it has recently added Micro-transactions and as much a I hate these, I also know that these are purely cosmetic. What I don't understand though and this goes for practically...
Fellow member!Spending a lot of money on the most expensive smartphone doesn't mean u get the best out of it. There's a reason why in recent years people say Apple is overrated. Look, your GALAXY NOTE 9 have much more essentials and features, at a lower price!
How to get a legacy server on ps4 for nitrado Can anyone explain to me how to put a legacy server onto my nitrado server for my ps4? I can’t figure it out. Thank you in advance.