How much does a new electric guitar cost? A basic electric guitar -- one for beginners -- costs between $200 and $400. Is it okay to learn electric guitar first? You can absolutely learn how to play an electric guitar first. In fact, an electric guitar can feel easier to play and...
When it comes to dollars and cents, the sticker price for high-efficiency machines is almost always higher than traditional washers, but because they conserve so much water and energy, they can save you money in the long run. A new high-efficiency machine can cost anywhere from $700 to mor...
the unit seems to keep both the fridge and freezer sections pretty much exactly at the temperature at which they are set. all in all, i am very pleased. the only reason i did not give it 5 stars is the ice maker has gotten off to a slow start. at about two weeks in it is ...
The spider basket in a front-load washing machine does not have a long life expectancy. According to the appliance repair website Suds and Service, pot metal basket spiders in small front loaders, those with a capacity of 16 lbs. to 17 lbs., have a life span of only five to six years...
I figured the numbers would work out much better if I could actually do the replacement job myself, because a top-of-the-line gas furnaceonly costs about $1500online these days. But I didn’t know exactly how to do it and there never seemed to be a good time to learn*. Nobody I...