The courts in the United States and other countries are very hostile towards the traditional family. There are too many people making too much money by destroying the lives of you and your children. Once a person has been through a nasty divorce they are far less likely to risk getting into...
The Australian shepherd is a lean and tough ranch dog closely associated with the cowboy life. This breed exhibits an irresistible impulse to herd everything: birds, dogs, kids, you name it. This strong work drive can be too much for an inactive pet owner, but it is a great dog for o...
While many hear "San Juan" and think of a more tropical locale, the San Juan Island of Washington has a much cooler clime. It has a special place in Washington history due to the Pig War, which allowed a peaceful settlement of a territorial dispute that arose through - yes - a pig. ...
Gray Squirrels are about 18 inches long, including their 9-inch tails. They are larger than flying squirrels. Gray Squirrels weigh about 1-1.5 lbs. as an adult. Their coloration is usually gray or salt and pepper, but they can have tan hairs in their fur as well as white bellies. ...
Dogs can hear much higher pitches than humans The highest pitches discernible to the human ear are around20 kilohertz, whereas dogs can hear up to 45 kilohertz. This ability probably evolved so they could hear the high-pitched sounds of small prey like mice. However, while dogs can hear thos...
whelp a singleton puppy. They were well aware of the concerns about singleton puppies, who miss out on so much of the normal stimulation provided by squirming, squealing litter mates. Years ago my own dog, Pippy Tay, had her own singleton pup, andI was worried sickhe’d grow up to ...