People visit your site to read your content and may not pay as much attention to yoursidebaror other areas of the page. Since your post content gets the most attention from visitors, it’s the perfect place to show ads. With that in mind, we’ll show you 3 different ways to insert a...
Healthy? Probably not, but if weight is the concern, then sure it does work. Edit2: MISTAKE. Here used to be a mistake. I decided to clean it away. Next is explanation. edit3: Pounds... How much is that in kilograms. Didnt even think how much is that. From the context, I thoug...
So today I thought I would do a post all about intraspecialty pay differences. But frankly, none of you readers are interested in hearing about the average earner in your specialty, much less the low earners. You want to know how those who are really killing it are doing it. I trolled ...
How much does each citizen earn? What is their social status within the Aztec Empire? Using the above information, the Deghans will propose a new tax code and taxes will be proportional to how much they make. So essentially, the citizens who are the wealthiest will end up paying the most...
Thus, people begin to wonder if this is another "self-insert" of Kathleen Kennedy, whose governing attitude at LucasFilm may be much like that of "Vice-Admiral Holdo," including the incompetent part. After a series of movies that have performed poorly to badly, rumors are that Kennedy migh...
was constitutionally incapable of keeping his mouth shut when he had an opinion, especially given that at that time so much was so critical to the young nation perhaps even surviving at all… I mean, you might as well ask Adams to stop breathing as to stop giving his unabashed opinion, ...
A Certificate of Deposit (CD) is pretty much the safest and most guaranteed investment you can make. There will be plenty of time later for you to decide where to put your money, but in the meantime, you can earn interest while you decide where to invest long-term and count on your ...
Everyone always asks, "How much does it cost?" Well, I'll tell you. To be fair, I do spend a decent portion of my income on travel. It's something that I've deliberately chosen to value, and I have no regrets about choosing to invest in seeing the whole world. ...
This is how banks earn most of their money. Investment This is the amount of money you choose to risk with the hope of making a gain. For example, in our game, you have to decide how much of your savings you want to invest each quarter to make as much profit as you can. Loss ...
I think what happens, when you watch a lot of people play, is that you have to be careful doing too much. Because what happens is, like they do a lot of stuff. So if they do eight things and you do two things, OK, then you have to fit 16 things up. If they do eight things...