Not very much is known about precisely what causes panic attacks at night, but we know that the brain doesn't turn off during sleep. It's reasonable to assume that the process is pretty much the same as the process of a daytime attack, just that it happens in a less conscious manner....
Marcel Petitpas, the CEO and Co-founder of Parakeeto, says agencies should aim for 75-80% billable time. But, increasing billable hours too much can hurt the business. According to Dennis P. Stolle, JD, Ph.D., APA’s senior director of applied psychology, “When workers are suffering...
Neuroscience has shown that your dog really does think you're special. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of dog brains show that the caudate nucleus, which responds to something pleasurable,shows a more robust response to the smell of a familiar personthan to that of a stranger or a familiar...