Falling below a 2.0 can come with consequences as dire as academic probation, suspension or even expulsion. Poor grades may also disqualify students from scholarships or financial aid and cost students more time and money when pursuing a degree. First-year students should get involved on campus, ...
An advanced degree in nursing requires significant time and money, so choosing the right program is key.
Last but not least, it focuses on the candidate’s achievements. Add a “key achievement” subsection for an impressive CV, just like the candidate above did. Then, include numbers. Don’t say you “significantly increased sales.” Say how much precisely. Numbers pop! Crafting an effective C...
Plus, the tone is professional and perfect for a job application. The second personal profile example is different—while it expresses the candidate’s enthusiasm, it doesn’t mention relevant experience, uses weak language instead of achievement statements, and focuses too much on what the applican...
For instance, if you need to learn a foreign language in order to land your dream job in nursing, does the school offer courses you could “add on” to your degree plans? Curriculum requirements.Closely study the requirements of the curriculum to make certain you can meet all the expectation...
Finish out your letter with a signature. Much like a professional email signature, your recommendation letter signature should include more than your name. Although you likely mentioned your relationship with the candidate in your letter, include your professional title beneath your name. The letter’...
Now is clearly a great time to enter this rewarding and potentially lucrative field, and to do so, you’ll need a master’s in nursing (MSN), a degree that many universities offer online. One of the nation’s leading online MSN programs is the University of Nevada–Las Vegas School...
While the salary you can snag after getting your master’s degree in nursing may be high, the initial expense can be costly. Most programs last one to two years, and Nurse Journal estimates that the cost of a master’s degree in nursing (MSN) can range from $35,000 to $70,000, wit...
Registered nurses have been working in a forensic science capacity for decades, but the role was not formally recognized until the 1990s. Whether you choose a traditional college setting or earn a master’s degree online, your degree in forensic nursing prepares you to put your nursing skills to...
Rolando is now in the final year of his apprenticeship and plans to pursue a four-year degree in business with financial support by Surf. “Coming from a low-income family, this is big for us,” he says. He’s making good money, has a clear plan for the future, and is proud to ...