While it is still possible to help an older child with reading, those beyond third grade require much more intensive help.The longer you wait to get help for a child with reading difficulties, the harder it will be for that child to catch up. If help is given in fourth grade (rather ...
after I'd had a stroke, lost a lot of my memory and other abilities, lost my job and my insurance and needed a hobby to help me rehabilitate and concentrate again, on an island with no neurologist and no stroke rehab program or treatment. With...
If you’re not sure whether what your dog has been exposed to is poisonous or not, it’s best to err on the side of caution and call up the vet anyway, as they’d much rather answer a silly question than have you come in with a severely sick dog. Depending on the type of poison...
My husband and I are at the end of our rope we have an 10 yr old boy with ADHD and odd we have tried so many things to get him to listen and we have tried the fail free consequence on him its still not working much can youMore LS Oh Boy, I have a 17 year old son that...
Then I saw a neurologist, had every scan imaginable, and was about to be put under the knife for an exploratory to see what sort of tumour was causing this without showing itself in the scans. It was then I overheard my 'fiancee' breaching my professional confidences with my sister that ...