In addition, concentrations of biomass burning derived PM in the environment (e.g. during wildfires) can be much higher than PM from other sources. Thus, investigation of the toxicity of biomass PM over a wider range of concentrations would be advisable when performing experimental studies. To ...
How much does it cost to create a SaaS-based food ordering app? The food delivery app development cost varies depending on its features. The typical cost of an online food ordering application ranges between US$ 10-25k. The price starts at US$ 50K if one plans to make a food delivery ...
but this largely varies between regions and farms. Notably, the disease is a leading cause of mortality in piglets aged 4–12 weeks, but it may also affect
A 1000-watt appliance is used for 10 hours a day for 28 days per month. If the cost of electricity is $.10 a kWh, how much does it cost to operate the appliance for a month? How is it possible for a fabric (textile) to conduct the 3 modes of heat transfer (c...
First, the total protein copy number in a spine strongly drives the total cost (Supplementary Fig.7D) but was not crucial for the somatic vs. dendritic localisation decision (Fig.2C). One could hypothesise that high spine copy numbers correlate with local translation, but the model does not ...
How much water you need depends on your age, body weight, and other factors. Water needs can also increase when you sweat a lot in hot weather or while exercising. But generally speaking, the National Institutes of Health recommends drinking an average of:3 ...
Given the major impact these channels have on astroglial membrane K+ permeability, Kir4.1 invalidation is expected to result in a severe reduction of passive conductances; this has been observed, but to a much lower extent than anticipated (Neusch et al., 2006; Olsen et ...
that ranked as a more important predictor of an individual’s trait alertness. This association with between-person differences in alertness adds to a rapidly emerging set of data suggesting that sleep quality, as much if not more than, sleep quantity, most accurately explains the variability in ...
Many natural processes rely on optimizing the success ratio of a search process. We use an experimental setup consisting of a simple online game in which players have to find a target hidden on a board, to investigate how the rounds are influenced by the
However, such data do not address the metabolic downstream consequence of that meal: the physiological glucose response to the breakfast meal. Addressing this question, and using a CGM device (see “Methods”), post-breakfast glucose levels were uniquely associated with subsequent morning alertness, ...