翻译生意经 我过去在西弗吉尼亚的一同事,给我转来一篇关于翻译的文章,作者是科琳·麦吉(Corinne McKay)。我顺滕摸瓜,找到了麦吉写的一本《兼职翻译指南》 一书,从网上买了下来。这书显然是写给新手的,但是我自己也发现颇有用处,很多地方我根本没有想到。最大的启发,是她把兼职翻译,当成了一门生意在做。我过去...
喜欢读"How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator"的人也喜欢的电子书 ··· 支持Web、iPhone、iPad、Android 阅读器 把你的英语用起来! 9.99元 美语新诠2:谋杀英文 21.60元 喜欢读"How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator"的人也喜欢 ··· 北外高翻笔译课(英译汉) 8.8 识途篇 7.9 英汉对比...
I know several translators who give clients rates that use something other than a price-per-word when the client asks how much translation costs. This alone distinguishes them from other translators who are quoting only on price per word. The customer thinks, “OK, something must be different ...
How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator, Third EditionJost Zetzsche
Doing translation work is a very worthy profession as it could touch many lives, but it is still a long journey to become successful as a freelance translator. After completing your training to become a translator, you might be quite eager to “be your own boss.” However, while the ...
Also Read: How much does a certified translation cost? How to choose the right certification program for me? Picking the right certification programme depends on your needs. If you are looking to have your skills recognised for a specific purpose, you might need to find a specific programme. ...
While walkies are more effective and comical most of the time, using the Signal Translator and Transmitter can be much cheaper if you are in a bind. So, when a team works together to designate phrases for specific events, the translator and transmitter can work and be cost-effective. ...
How Much Does a Translator Cost on Average? By Editorial Staff - October 31, 2020 You’re a business owner who just struck the deal of a lifetime. You feel like a million bucks, until you realize your client only speaks Mandarin. ...
I have an article where you can learn why bookkeeping is one of the best freelance jobs, and it answers questions such as: What a bookkeeper does How much a bookkeeper can earn What’s the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant?
Why learn how to use AI to make money? Artificial intelligence(AI) is so much more than just the current buzzword du jour. There are several key reasons why learning to leverage AI as a money-making strategy now can pay off in the long run: ...