In some ways, I was able to acknowledge both these aspects of a description that can be made of this country, but the most overwhelming feeling for me was how powerless I felt, how irrelevant my presence was and how much of a waste it all was. Haiti gave me a weird feeling of famili...
Jennifer said, “Regardless of how much is (or isn’t, as it were) spent, I value experiences over things. Any sort of class or workshop (fermenting, glassblowing, beekeeping) or experience (apple picking, rafting) we’ve gifted each other has been more fun to me that acquiring ‘stuff...
I’m sorry to hear about your relationship. I feel we “coddle” our daughters too much. My second husband uses that word. It might be what we did that made them turned out “entitled”. My daughter has mentioned that she wished she didn't have to work, and would have liked to...
It shouldn't feel too heavy if it is balanced correctly. The harp doesn't have to be straight in front of you. You can turn it sideways a bit so that you can see the strings.[7] Your feet should rest on the floor. 3 Position your hands appropriately. Hand position is a much-...