How much do you pay each month in late fees on your bills because you can’t find them, your checkbook or even a stamp to mail them? Who is taking care of your home? Often, we think that the solution to our debt problem is for both spouses to work outside the home. At times we...
Y'all really hate ur parents? u see they may be overprotective, but just deal with it, until you are big enough to leave them and start ur own life. That's easy, just do what they want you to do, then when ur big, leave them, but not forever. You can visit them sometimes, bu...
Take charge of your employee feedback with our examples of formal, informal, and constructive techniques, and tips for successful employee discussions.
Yet, as mothers, we sometimes forget that in our relating to our adult children. When we can view them with some detachment, when our reactions to them are no longer based on expectations or being dependent on them, we are then able to love them fully and freely. Do not look at your ...
How much money can you make when blogging as a beginner? Finance blog Millennial Money reports that after just two years of building traffic and subscribers to this type of a website, bloggers can make upwards of $100,000 annually. Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 pe...
I know parents whose successful adult children are alcoholics and those parents spend much of their lives suffering with worry over them. I know of awesome parents whose adult children with whom they had loving relationships with killed themselves because of personal suffering they could not share ...
How Parents Can Help Increase Engagement If your child isrefusing to go to school, seems disengaged or is complaining about being bored in class, reach out to the teacher. Tick through the SDT list as you talk to your child and the teacher: Are there opportunities throughout the day for ...
3. Foster a culture of regular employee feedback The key to employee retention is detailed, up-to-date knowledge of job satisfaction levels, organizational commitment, and engagement in your key employee groups (which may include high potentials, high performers, specialized talent, etc). One of...
Another best way to be more mature is to try to always be informed about the things that happen around you and learn as much as possible about, well, pretty much everything. Be curious and do your research! Part of being mature is understanding the things that happen with/to you or aro...
How Much Does a 529 Plan Cost? States often charge an annual maintenance fee for a 529 plan, which ranges from free to $25.15In addition, if you bought your 529 plan through a broker or advisor, they may charge you an additional fee for the assets under management.16The individual invest...