The secret structure of great talks 18 minutes 18:00 David McCandless The beauty of data visualization 18 minutes 07:46 Chris Anderson TED's secret to great public speaking 7 minutes 46 seconds 09:44 Julian Treasure How to speak so that people want to listen ...
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Eddie老师 来自: 多语种学院 关注 目录互动回放 TedTalks演讲养成 共1课时 1:00:181. TedTalks演讲养成How to speak Eddie老师 355次播放 这里将会重放直播过程中的互动消息 本内容来自 了解课程 【官方】英语口语角 免费 暂时还没有简介关于CCtalk CCtalk简介 新闻中心 产品优势 联系我们 CCtalk下载 Windows桌面...
And I was in so much agony. I immediately got rushed onto the ship and into a hot shower. And I remember standing underneath the hot shower and trying to defrost my fingers. And I thought, in two days’ time, I was going...
TED curator Chris Anderson explainsOpens a new window: “The 18-minute length works much like the way Twitter forces people to be disciplined in what they write. By forcing speakers who are used to going on for 45 minutes to bring it down to 18, you get them to really think about wh...
There’s a reason TED talks are 18 minutes long –people’s concentration tends to wane after more than 18 minutes. And the Pomodoro technique for beating procrastination and improving focus recommends a break every 25 minutes: All this screams that taking breaks is good for employees’ work li...
Finally, choose a good spot to record. Many of us record podcasts from our own homes, but it’s a good idea to have a dedicated spot to do so. If necessary, you may want to soundproof the area as much as possible to avoid unwanted background noise. This would be helpful especially ...
You deliver a prepared speech from memory without any aids. Such speaking can feel gut-wrenching if you are afraid to forget your lines and don’t feel confident improvising. Careful preparation is needed.Example: Ted talks or live product presentations. ...
e.g.: These clues don't really add up to very much. link to: 本意与IT行业有关,指“链接到”,引申为将…连接起来,与…有联系 用1,2和3一起来答一题哈: R How many hours do you sleep every day?I know literally, most of the people need 8-hour sleep each day to keep them in good...