The median salary for a psychologist hits around the $79,000 mark per year. TheStreet gives you all the statistics about psychologist's salaries and job expectations.
Howtodiscuss is a discussion platform to share your thoughts about any topic. How to discuss was built with an ambition to allow people to discuss & share knowledge and information about a vast variety of topics. This platform was built in 2019 by a yo
I had a strong intimation that if I could locate the large used bookstore I'd previously come upon in San Luis Obispo, California, that the book would be found there. After spending a few days in San Francisco, I took a rental car down the magnificent coast and got to San Luis in ...
When Deka was eight years old, her mother got a job by studying hard back in school in order to support the whole family. That made Deka realize that education could make a difference to one’s life. She spent a lot of time in the library reading books, and didn’t do many of the...
that whilst participants talk about the therapeutic relationship, they do not link to how this helped in the development of resilience. I feel my draw to exploring the therapeutic relationship is related to my work as a trainee clinical psychologist, where much emphasis in clinical supervision is ...
By contrast, psychologists at the University of California at Berkeley and San Francisco found that people on lower incomes are better readers of facial expressions and more empathetic. 相比之下,加州大学伯克利和旧金山的心理学家发现,较低的收入的人是面部表情的更好读者,更加感受。
Geniuses do not usually operate in isolation, either -- nearly all of them analyze the work of other great minds and use that information to make new discoveries. Self-taught geniuses, on the other hand, often explore information in unexpected or inventive ways, due in part to their lack of...
Emmanuelle di Tomaso of Harvard University and Daniele Piomelli of the University of California believe that the anandamide in chocolate raises levels of the chemical in our brain. And other substances in chocolate slow down the speed at which we useit. So, chocolate helps us feel happier for ...
This conclusion rests, in part, on knowledge of how experienced readers make sense of words on a page. Advocates of whole-language instruction have argued forcefully that people often derive meanings directly from print without ever determining the sound of the word. Some psychologists today accept...
Witelson hypothesizes that the lack of a Sylvian fissure may have allowed the brain cells to crowd in closer to one another, which in turn enabled them to communicate much faster than normal. This brain structure may also have had something to do with Einstein's delayed speech development, ...