This paper reports on an exploratory study into the effects of targeted writing instruction on the translation products and decision-making processes of professional translators. A pretest-posttest experimental design was used, in which five professional translators were trained in w...
There are plenty of CPD courses you can embark on – some even free, and the community of translators is a friendly one, so there will always be someone to help you. Webinars and courses are not the only ways to do CPD, you can read my post dedicated to continuing professional ...
( Make sure to replace theme_mods_hestia-pro-child with the correct name of your child theme folder ). For more details on child themes, follow Section 4. Using Polylang with a child theme. After that, you can navigate to Dashboard > Languages > Translations and look for the options to...
If you want regular work from clients, one of the golden rules is to be persistent. The life of most professional translators has an element of ‘feast and famine’, with alternating periods of intense work and little to nothing to do. You must be resilient during hard times; be prepared,...
In order to know how to make the best use of translators and interpreters it is first necessary to know something about the business in which they work, and how they themselves work. The translation industry is a hidden one, indeed many people seem to be unaware that the industry exists at...
Do you have to be born bilingual to become a professional translator? No, no one is born bilingual. Even if you only spoke one language in childhood, you can still easily learn more languages to work as a professional translator. What jobs are available for certified translators? You could ...
How do professional translators charge for translation work? What are other website translation options and their translation rates per word? What’s the best solution for businesses looking to translate their website? Why use the Weglot translation solution to translate your websi...
WPML allows you to attract a much more extensive range of businesses. It’s a lot more accurate than the Google app because it’s purpose-built. It’s a translation software, not a search engine/ internet overlord all rolled into one. How to Create Your Multilingual Website with the Plug...
Are you prepared to work freelance, with no certainty as to how much you will earn at the end of each month? 你是否接受自由职业,不确定每个月能赚多少钱? Make sure you carefully consider if you are truly ready to move forward if your answer was anything other than 'very' or 'yes'. Yo...
It can also help you establish yourself in the WordPress community and provide you with new networking opportunities with other developers, translators, and businesses in the industry. You can even add the translation to your portfolio and demonstrate your skills and contributions to the WordPress com...