The job does not require too much physical labour, but intelligence and mental strength are needed. Presence in Geographical Area Semi-urban, Urban Individuals who opt for a career as physicists have fewer chances in rural areas than the urban or semi-urban settings. Physicists mainly work in ...
It probably is not bad pay at all, so just because I found out most theoretical physicists maker around that much it doesn't mean becoming that profession is out of my idea. What if you were to find a major discovery as an theoretical physicist such as a way to travel time ec.t ect...
I tried to hang on and persevere, but I eventually had to accept that it was all too much and I wasn’t coping, and that I should go home. I hadn’t even planned on returning to the UK at all this year, so it surprised me how much I was looking forward to returning.I’ve bee...
Four steps: choose a field, learn enough to get to the frontier, notice gaps, explore promising ones. This is how practically everyone who's done great work has done it, from painters to physicists. Steps two and four will require hard work. It may not be possible to prove that you ha...
It doesn’t have to be this hard. There’s this myth that you need to be a genius to get wealthy. Well, if that were true, our richest people would be astrophysicists and poets, not people who invented an app that turns your face into a dog’s. What’s the average college GPA ...
Four steps: choose a field, learn enough to get to the frontier, notice gaps, explore promising ones. This is how practically everyone who's done great work has done it, from painters to physicists. Steps two and four will require hard work. It may not be possible to prove that you ha...
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists of all time, is said to have once described compound interest as “the eighth wonder of the world.” It is also claimed that he went on to add, “He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.” And he was right. ...
In the career as electrical engineer, individuals spend a lot of time going around supervising the work ofelectricians,physicists,computer programmers, and other engineers. They can also spend time visiting clients, collecting knowledge, and researching equipment from their daily work. If you want to...
With this in mind, physicists have proposed other solutions, including everything from solar sails to exploding ejected nuclear bombs. In 1960, physicist Robert Bussard proposed an interstellar ramjet that would collect charged particles in space via an electromagnetic field, converge them, create a ...
1.Acontroversialtheoryofhowwesmell,whichclaimsthatourfinesenseofodourdependsonquantummechanics,hasbeengiventhethumbsupbyateamofphysicists. 2.CalculationsbyresearchersatUniversityCollegeLondon(UCL)showthattheideathatwesmellodourmoleculesbysensingtheirmolecularvibrationsmakessenseintermsofthephysicsinvolved. 3.That's...