Not working for my car. It's a 2017 X5. I've put in the correct last 7 of the vin and this comes up. ___ 2014 550i Alpine White / Mocha Interior M Sport with Gloss Black Wheels and Blue Calipers / BMS N63TU Tune / Muffler Delete Appreciate0 Quote 06-02...
For six weeks he will explore 12 countries on five continents, crossing the equator four times, without carrying so much as a man-purse. The few items he does bring will be tucked away in his pockets. Though he’s a seasoned minimalist traveler (famous from his bookVagabonding), he usuall...
Since the resonator is attached before the muffler, removing the resonator makes the muffler less effective—the latter has to reduce more of the engine’s raw sound.[8] A resonator delete also changes your vehicle’s signature sound to a deep, smooth roar. The total cost of a ...