Make it easy for the reader to understand whatyouactually did. Because judges want to have a sense of you as a person, include a short section on yourinterests, even if you opted (unwisely in my opinion) to omit this from your work-oriented résumé. How Much Do You Want To Reveal?
Giles, & Bridget Tainer-Parkins, Inside Judicial Chambers: How Federal District Court Judges Select and Use Their Law Clerks, 71 Alb. L. Rev. 623 (2008).Todd C Peppers,Micheal W. Giles,Bridget Tainer-Parkins.Inside Judicial Chambers:How Federal District Court Judges Select and Use Their ...
"Sorcerers, Not Apprentices: How Judicial Clerks and Staff Attorneys Impoverish U.S. Law." Ariz. St. L.J. 39.1 (2007): 1-67.Pether, Penelope, ASorcerers, Not Apprentices: How Judicial Clerks and Staff Attorneys Impoverish U.S. Law.@ 39 Ariz. St. L.J. 39 (2007): 1-67....
Another major factor is the opportunity to make a positive difference, no matter how small. Every role in the government, from software engineers to interns to fundraisers, contributes to the larger mission of improving public services and helping disadvantaged communities—and that impact can often ...
Both my mother and my father worked for 3 decades as judicial clerks in portuguese courts, to be used, at the end of their life, as targets against which to direct violence by cowardly colegio militar alumni and criminal associates of Jasper Kums trying to force me to return to Portugal,...
The Didn't Do It bail bonds office sits on the edge of downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. Much of the U.S. has operated under a cash bail system for decades upon decades, but some states are starting to push bail reform measures that don't involve posting cash for a defendant to be releas...
Unlike much of President Obama's other legislation, the Protect Our Kids Act of 2012 had overwhelming bipartisan support and was unanimously passed in the Senate. The act was designed to address the concerning statistic that more than 2,000 children a year died from abuse and neglect, with nea...
Unlike much of President Obama's other legislation, the Protect Our Kids Act of 2012 had overwhelming bipartisan support and was unanimously passed in the Senate. The act was designed to address the concerning statistic that more than 2,000 children a year died from abuse and neglect, with nea...
WHAT I&A OFFICERS DO The I&A Officers are an essential part of each WCAB district office team and work closely with the judges, secretaries, clerks, DEU raters, and other support for each WCAB district office to be staffed by at least one I&A Officer...
other documents you need to file, such as a cover sheet or verification. Some states make these forms available online. Many court clerks will recommend consulting a lawyer for a separation when you and your spouse cannot agree, partly because they do not have forms that fit a contested ...