Possibly more than any other sport, there is a unique culture that surrounds hockey. It’s a tightly knit group that is as dedicated to its sport as any in the world. As a result of this relationship, a unique corresponding‘hockey slang’has developed among players to describe hockey-speci...
Imagine the clash of hockey sticks, the slash of skates, and the thud of the puck as it ricochets off the boards — nothing beats sitting in the stands at a hockey game. But for the days you can’t make it to the rink, Hulu has the next best thing. Whether you’re watching fro...
I am a former LHS (local hockey shop) employee and have fit thousands of pairs of skates. In this article I will address everything you need to know about getting a properly fitting pair of hockey skates. A poorly fitting pair of skates can impair your skating ability, cause foot pain, ...
Sport is best done in the morning, and it is also acceptable in the evening. You have the best result of playing sport on your physical and mental health if you do it regularly in the morning. However, the extent or the frequency of one playing sport is determined by some factors. A ...
Unlike some other sports on ice at the Winter Olympics like hockey and figure skating, curlers do not move around on ice skates. Athletes need footwear that grips the ice well, and they will typically wear special curling shoes. Those shooting the stone will use very ...
Taping your stick up before a game can sometimes be a precise and sacred ritual practiced by ice hockey players. Though each player may have an individual method, learning the basics of wrapping the grip and the blade properly can help...