How Long Do Fish Live (By Category) There are over 30,000 fish species on the planet, ranging from tiny nano species to the majestic 60-foot whale shark1. Their lifespans seem to vary as much as their size and appearance, with some species surviving just a few months and others living...
i have aquarium salt how much do i put in what else can you recommend that i do to solve this problem, please get back to this as soon as possibly. Thanks Reply Ian Sterlingsays: March 10, 2020 at 2:22 pm Hi Riley, Everything I recommend to treat ich is outlined in the ...
Class pets can do a lot of travel! How much will it cost to feed and provide care for the pet, and who will pay for it? If you have more than one pet of the same species together, have you ensured they cannot breed? How will you cover the pet’s veterinarian bills? Class Pet ...