I try not to spend so much time thinking, "This is going to be so many people's first impression of me. What do I want to say? What do I want them to think?" and just try and go with my gut and be natural and write the songs that were coming to me and felt the most authe...
They are the type you want for distant miking applications (Choir, drum overheads, pianos, strings, ambient/ audience microphones) Condensers have a much faster response (transient response) than dynamics and can be very effective for instruments with fast attack and release times like drums and ...
and so we listen to pretty much everyone bitch about the temperature. Until one place I worked at upgraded the AC, and all the controls that go along with it (had to do with a couple of new clean rooms). Naturally, the folks installing all the new gear left all the old thermostats ...
These job security, success, and business principles are applicable to accountants, help desk techs, managers, and CEO’s. They especially matter if you are in a job search. They will give you an incredible advantage in every company you apply at. Trust others but make sure they are actuall...
“Much to be tight-lipped about on the list but also wary who I tell. Only someone of your candor who knows what to do with this information could help. What are your thoughts & plans about setting things right in the billionaires’ playboy club? Please DM for more.” ...
Apple employees restore a lot of iPhones. Given the option, I’dalwayschoose a DFU restore over a regular or recovery mode restore. This isn’t official Apple policy and some techs would say it’s overkill, but if an iPhone has a problem thatcanbe resolved with a restore, a DFU restore...