The databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, SSCI, SIGLE, Dissertation Express databases and the NHS economic evaluation database were searched using a form of the following strategy: [terms for acute childhood illness] AND [terms for parent or child] AND [terms for clinicians or primary he...
“With the internet, certainly in the UK, we got a much more developed purchasing and parcel delivery service,” says Shapiro. Whether they know it or not, companies like Yodel and DPD became the new drug runners, with people increasingly buying their drugs online. “In the 2000...
However, much of what is interpreted as parental resistance consists of parents’ presenting or requesting additional information relating to particular symptoms, diagnostic expectations and/or past experiences and in most cases the parents had not indicated a pre-consultation expectation of antibiotics [...
Good treatment uptake is essential for clinically effective interventions to be fully utilised. Numerous studies have examined barriers to help-seeking for mental health treatment and to a lesser extent, facilitators. However, much of the current research focuses on changing help-seeking attitudes, whic...
[29] found that SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and tricyclic antidepressants had an impact on anxiety and depressive symptoms in combat veterans. Sleep disturbances, which are common symptom of PTSD, have also been found to be alleviated by pharmacology treatment [30]. Even though...
What then is the solution to those of us rendered zombies by a dire lack of sleep, if neither prescription or herbal drugs offer true rest? "If we had a good medication that produced naturalistic sleep I'd be very much in favour of it but we just don't and have never had one." Wa...
Manage cold symptoms and speed up the healing process A cold is a viral infection that infects your nose and throat. Having a cold makes it much harder to go about your daily life, even if you aren't sick enough to need medical attention...