You're More Likely to Be Happy at Work - “Although we found that many factors can matter for happiness at work – type of occupation, level of education, tenure, and industry are also significant, for instance – they don't even come close to mattering as much as the boss' technical...
And I was really sort of drawn to this story, not only because Tetris is kind of a funny out of the box example, but also because of how clearly relevant that is for how we learn things in the workplace, and how we learn things in our professional lives. It’s so much of the kn...
Nvidia is projected to sell half amillion of the devices by the end of the year. The more processing power one applies to a neural net, the more sophisticated its output becomes. For the most advanced A.I. models, Nvidia sells a rack of dozens of DGX H100s. If that isn’t enough,...
Chewbacca, and R2D2. They continued to release figures until 1985—it wasn't until 10 years later that new figures were released, when Hasbro began to manufacture the toy series. The demand for vintage "Star Wars" figures hasn't faltered much: In 2017 a rare Star Wars Jawa action figures...
Strategies for long Projects- Relentless, irrational optimism; Daily progress documentation; Compounding investments; Time budgeting. Developers can't fix bad management- “Why do so many software projects fail? Software development is much closer to creating a new factory than running an existing facto...
Once you're inside of Terminal, you'll need to enable Emacs. No, I'm not talking about the big white Macs that Apple used to sell, it's a special text editor that's built on the concept of extensibility. It's all super technical, and you can read about ithere, but for n...
It’s possible to replace the analogue sticks in a Pro Controller, but we’re not really happy to recommend that; the sticks are soldered in place which may seem trivial to some, but there’s too much that can go wrong with a soldering iron for us to feel comfortable taking you throug...
How much is the mobile gaming industry worth?2020 was a great year for mobile gaming. Smartphone games were booming, and the industry closed in at 50% of the gamers actually gaming on their phones. This doesn’t seem to slow down one bit and is expected to skyrocket and bring the ...
Museums have always excelled at experiential learning and have experimented with immersive technologies for years. Now they – much like classroom teachers – are delivering these ‘in-person’ experiences ‘virtually’ and for both parties, technology has become essential. ...
To understand the need for resilient thinking, the first step is learning about thresholds. In non-business terms, systems can exist in more than one kind of stable state. If a system changes too much it crosses a threshold and begins behaving in a different way, with different feedbacks ...