(=used to ask the price of something)How much are the tickets?3spokena)used to ask about someone’shealth, especially when youmeetthem‘Hi Laurie, how are you?’‘Fine, thanks. How are you?’Has Ros had the baby yet? How is she?‘How’s your ankle this morning?’‘Better, thanks...
The priest was forever sending him out of the classroom; day after day for weeks on end he made him stand in the corner for trifling misdemeanours and never called on him to answer questions, with the result that on the eve of the Easter holidays Pavel had to go with the backward boys...
The birds may spend up to 200 days flying during their journey. These birds sleep while they fly. The Alpine Swifts are able to sleep with one side of their brain while the other side pays much attention to flying and finding enemies. Dolphins (海豚) usually go to sleep with only one...
"Those of you who came to my house to be examined before the Easter holidays, stand up!"The speaker, a corpulent man in the garb of a priest, with a heavy cross dangling from his neck,fixed the class with a baleful glare. 1 - His small hard eyes seemed to bore through the six...
Then I thought, who in the world has that much time on their hands? Apparently I do, because I made these last night. They were pretty good, but I have to be honest here and tell you they were a little too much on the healthy side for my taste. Maybe if I had served them with...
My legs feel much better. At this point in Centurion race prep, time on your feet is more important than speed. Don’t skip training days. Just rearrange your schedule. I have decided on my New Zealand Centurion race pace. 13:25 per mile pace. I want to average three minutes twenty ...
As with all things in life, regular maintenance is the key to long-term success. It might take several months, or even a full year to get your weed situation under control, but once you are to the “maintenance” phase of weed control, things are SO much easier. ...
This could be due to many factors such as too much nitrogen in the soil or overall poor soil quality, not getting enough sunlight, inconsistent watering, the plants may be too crowded, or, if you planted by seed, they may have been planted too deep. Reply Clarence (not verified) 2 ...
Thank you too much for your very interesting and benefit lesson really I was confused too much about their uses Ahmed Hamza Hi David, Nilo & Ahmed Glad the video helped you. Don’t worry if it takes you time to get the prepositions straight in your mind because they are one of the ...
In fact, our drake, Sir Winston Duckbill, still can’t be trusted to behave himself around our girls, much less new ducklings. That’s why he has his own house and run, and is only allowed brief “conjugal visits” with his flock in the morning and at night. ...