“A shelter dog has usually lived a more difficult life and therefore values it so much more to find a new home,” Dr. Muller says. “The love an adopted dog gives you and your family is so much more profound as they will always cherish and love you for giving it a chance for a ...
Lately, some dog owners have been reluctant to vaccinate their dogs over concerns the shots could cause autism. Dog owners don’t need to worry. Canine autism isn’t caused by vaccines, just as vaccines don’t cause autism in humans. Poor socialization skills are a trait of dogs with canin...
$1786.68That’s right. For an entire year of farming/gardening/homesteading, it cost our family$148.89per month. But wait!! We also sold some baby goats in 2013 and made some moola. How much, exactly? Through a trade we received 2 baby doelings, we sold them for$300together. Our goat...
How much is a rabies shot for a dog? If you’ve ever wondered how much rabies shots for dogs cost, you’re not alone. Rabies vaccines for dogs cost around $25, but the price can vary from location to location. It’s unlikely it will cost more than $30. Why is my dog acting wei...
Much worse is the damage that has been done to public confidence in vaccines: In the Philippines, where immunization coverage was already dangerously low, the Dengvaxia scare caused vaccination rates to fall even further, opening the door to infectious diseases once believed to be on the wane. ...
Adopting an Adult DogFor many people, the known quantity of an adult dog is the way to go. But adult dogs, unlike puppies, come with their own set of ingrained habits and behaviors. As challenging as it can be to train a puppy, a stubborn adult dog can be just as much of a headac...
Social education has, of course, been much more restricted. For most of the 18 month lockdown, children were not even allowed outside their homes: no meeting friends, no trips to the playground, not even shopping with parents! We have noticed a social reluctance to engage since they have ...
Social education has, of course, been much more restricted. For most of the 18 month lockdown, children were not even allowed outside their homes: no meeting friends, no trips to the playground, not even shopping with parents! We have noticed a social reluctance to engage since they have ...
Century,whereadogmaybeman'sbestfriend,butthatpet hasapricetag.Vetvisitsandsurgerycostdogownersalmost$800andcat owners$500lastyear,accordingtotheAmericanPetProducts ManufacturersAssociation. Ifyourpetbecomesseriouslyill,youcaneasilyspendthousands.For example,eachyearabout400pets,mostlydogs,undergopacemakersurgery ...
Similarly, during World War II, the U.S. government invested in public health initiatives to curb the transmission of malaria in tropical and subtropical battlefronts; vaccinate against smallpox, typhoid fever and tetanus; and control sexually transmitted infections, which during World War I cost th...