In 1894, Mississippi businessman Joseph Biedenharn installed bottling machinery behind his soda fountain store. He did this in order to make Coca-Cola much more portable. Five years later, three entrepreneurs in Tennessee purchased the exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for $1.3 This p...
When you have a stomachache, the first thing you should reach for is a glass of water. Dehydration is a common cause of stomachaches, and rehydration is the quickest way to address it.1 Dehydration-related abdominal pain (DROP) occurs when the gastrointestinal tract does not have enough flu...
Soon I’ll be posting the results of my kitchen chemistry experiment, where I find the answer to that age-old question that has undoubtedly been driving you crazy (yeah right): “How much alcohol is really in kefir soda pop?” Many have speculated, but I wanted to knowfor sure.In that...