Regardless of the situation, the first thing you want to do is check if your insurance policy covers towing costs, in which case you may be able to have your car transported without any additional fees. However, for drivers who aren’t lucky enough to have towing included in their policy,...
Since costs can vary quite a bit across car shipping companies, it’s a good idea to budget around $500 to $1,000 for a short move. How much is car shipping from one state to another (i.e., interstate moves)? What if you’re planning an interstate move? Contrary to what you migh...
Before you head out onto the road with your car behind you, you need to think about several things. First, you need to be aware of how much your towing vehicle can actually tow. Every car, truck and SUV manufacturer gives a towing limit for their vehicles, which can range from jus...
When shopping for car insurance online, you can save time and money by researching providers and comparing quotes. Get tips for buying coverage online.
How much is car rental insurance on a credit card? When car rental insurance is included as a benefit on your credit card, you don't need to pay to use it. However, if you want additional coverage, you might have to purchase it. For example, Premium Car Rental Protection from Amex ...
Once your factory warranty has expired, you are vulnerable to hundreds and even thousands of dollars in unexpected repair costs, towing services, and more. A vehicle service contract is worth the additional price if you don’t have emergency cash saved for upfront costs. Remember, while Toyota...
You have multiple options for getting and paying for that much-needed rental car after an accident. If the other party was at fault for the wreck, you could receive money from the negligent driver's insurance company. That person's auto policy will reimburse you as part of your settlement....
Yes! In fact, your car insurance could go down by half if you are a low mileage driver andswitch to Metromile. Pay-per-mile insurers like MetroMile realize that you probably will not get into a car accident when your car is sitting still, so you shouldn’t have to pay as much if yo...
The average boat costs $174,000 for a new model, although the price can vary significantly based on the model and year you choose. Annual maintenance for the boat costs 10 percent of the boat price on average, but you’ll also have to consider other costs like insurance, storage/mooring,...
Gap insurance pays the difference between what you owe on your vehicle and its current market value if it is stolen or totaled in an accident. While add-on coverages will raise your car insurance rates, they can also save you a lot of money on out-of-pocket costs if something happens ...