"I have enjoyed over four years here at XYZ Corporation and learned so much from my colleagues. My skills have improved in several areas, and I truly appreciate the experience these years have provided. I want to thank you as well for your continued support and guidance. I scheduled this c...
If the goal of your letter is to pursue or further a professional connection, convey formality and respect with your closing to help ensure good communication moving forward. Write a meaningful sentence before your sign-off After the main body of your letter but before the sign-off, include a...
Want access to my free financial worksheets, including a budget tracker that can help you better align your spending and shopping habits?Click here to subscribe(it’s free!) and gain instant access. #1 – Check Your Budget A budget should always be your first step in finding outhow much “...
This sign-off can also be considered passive-aggressive, as it implies that any misunderstanding is on the recipient’s part rather than due to your communication skills. 10 Good luck This sign-off can leave too much up to interpretation—does it imply the recipient needs luck, a task is ...
How much does it cost to advertise on Google? Google advertising costs depend on a lot of things, like your industry, your competition, and the keywords you’re targeting. Businesses usually spend $1 to $2 per click on Google pay-per-click (PPC), but this can go up to $50 per click...
The incumbent employer may take you back after you leave for the wrong job, but it is best to reduce that risk as much as possible. Discuss your plans for giving notice to the current employer with the new one. Ask if you can take a day of paid time off to return to the old ...
Severance agreement: If you offer a severance agreement to the employee, carefully outline the details. For example, employees should know how much, when, and for how long their severance pay will last. Employees must also understand what kinds of future claims they are releasing from the compan...
Learning how to write a thank-you email is more than just good manners. It’s smart practice for any small business that wants to improve customer loyalty. A little acknowledgment goes a long way to inspire repeat business or donations. When you show partners and patrons just how much you ...
Goodwill isn't the same as other intangible assets. It's the premium paid over fair value during a transaction and it can't be bought or sold independently. Other intangible assets such as licenses or patents can be. Goodwill has an indefinite life. Other intangibles have a finite useful ...
Finally, the calculation of each can be different. This is especially true when comparing depreciation to the amortization of a loan. Intangible assets are often amortized over their useful life using the straight-line method, while fixed assets often use a much more broad set of calculation meth...