Plus, plants just don’t have enough calories to sustain them, even if they were able to digest them properly. A snake’s digestive tract is suited to eating very dense, high-calorie foods like small prey animals, and most snakes only eat once every few weeks or so as their meals slowl...
1. My friends I listening to music very much.2. How long d a child sleep a night?3. The little bird l in a tree.4. What c is the tiger?5. The tiger e meat and it doesn't eat grass.6. A snake can't f in the sky, but it can swim in the water.7. We can see lots ...
A: Hmm, what kind of guys do you like? B: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know, like you. A: Ok, what else? B: Well, I’d prefer someone I have something in common with-who I can talk to easily. A: I think I know ...
A:Oh,itis-alotofcomputersandinterestingdevices.It'sjustthekindofstuffthatkidslove.B:Well,itsoundsliketheperfectjobforyou.I knowhowmuchyoulovekids.Sowhat'syourotherjob?A:Well.I'alsobeoneofthepeoplewhowalksaroundtheparkgreetingpeople.B:Doyoumeanyou'll 17、havetodressupinacostume?A:Yes,asacartoon...
Working with kids is so much more fun than working with adults.And I get to choose my own hours.As long as I work eight hours a 24、 day, I can come in at any time from 8 A.M. TO9 P.M .W: Lucky you!BWoman: Paul, did you find a summer job, yet?Paul: Yeah,Im working...
英语阅读主题体裁词数难度系数建议用时实际用时How to live in Peace记叙文88★★★9分钟Farmers sometimes like snakes and weasels(黄鼠狼) to live in their barn (粮 )because the mice often come to eat the com, the snakes and the weasels can kill them. But on one farm there is a weasel and...
M1: Not much. But I was wondering if I can ask you for a favor?M2: Hmm, maybe, trying me.M1: Well, I have to go out of towns for a few days next we 31、ek. Could Ileave Pully with you wh.ile I'm gone ?M2: Pully? Who 's Pully?M1: You know, Pully is my bird.M2:...
How could such a writer be taken seriously?... 怎么会把这样一位作家当回事呢? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 How can you drink so much beer, Luke?... 你怎么能喝这么多啤酒呢,卢克? 柯林斯高阶英语词典 How anxiously she awaited my answer... 她焦急万分地等待我的答复。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 How strange ...
How did I live without a trunk before? I can pick fruit, cool down- and so much more! 当然,现在每头大象都有一个象鼻。而这个故事恰恰告诉了你这是怎么做到的! Of course, every elephant has a trunk now. And thi...
If a snake tries to slither up the branch to eat it, it will shake the branch and knock the lizard off , and the lizard will fall safely into the water. Chameleons (变色龙)can change color to match their surroundings in order to hide even while sleeping....