Shotgun Mic –You can use a Shotgun mic ($53.95) if you’re in one position and not moving around much. For more direct recording, keep the mic pointed at the source of the sound. Snowball Mic –You can use a Snowball Microphone ($49.95) for a wider area of focus, or even multip...
Sign Up For Group Classes: Group activities like martial arts or dance classes are a great way to give yourself extra motivation. At times, your desire to interact with the people you train with will be enough to motivate you on days you’re not in the mood to work out. If you don’...
8 or more As: You are scoring very high for happiness. However, one problem with being so happy is that it may lead to complacency. You are less interested in changing yourself, or improving certain aspects of your character, than most people. 6-7...
My love of language was not wasted. Words are a valuable currency for those of us who facilitate the practice of yoga. They are essential tools of communication as we endeavor to help students know what to do with their bodies. Yet we can do so much more with our words than that. We ...
Yoga may lead you to a greater body transformation than you could’ve ever imagined. Between … • Practicing balance • Working on core strength • Focusing on breathing; and • So much more … you’ll quickly notice both a positive physical and mental change. ...
“We tend to think of yoga as an athletic endeavor that has to be done on a mat,” Kelly says. “Yoga practice is about much more than the physical [poses]; the practice includes skills like breathing, regulating your emotions, and practicing self-care.” What Is Chair Yoga? All you ...
How much is yoga on Koh Samui? Whether you want to drop in for a spontaneous class when clouds gather or are coming with an ambitious yoga schedule, you'll find Koh Samui yoga prices very competitive to big cities like London and Melbourne (often in gorgeous, landscaped, open-air and oce...
and we begin to feel a sense of calm (what a relief!). Some techniques, likedeep breathingandrelaxation meditation, are available to us pretty much anywhere and anytime we need it. Others, like spending time in nature, doing yoga or qigong, or even getting a massage, may take a little...
With frequent usage, your yoga mat can quickly accumulate sweat, lint, skin oils, dirt and other grime. And over time, they can begin to smell if you're not careful. Depending on how much you use it, you should deep clean it around once a month. It's also just good prac...
Use the power of email to provide current and future students alike a much-needed reminder of your yoga studio’s value. Regular emails with punchy subject lines keep your yoga business on students’ minds, while also making it easy for them to sign up for or commit to classes. To begin...