1857>{Natural Hygiene}Trall wrote in the Water-Cure Journal that he had no faith in the virtues of water in the treatment of disease."All the virtue we have to deal with,"he said,"exists in and is a part of the living organism."He said that he had"as much faith in the virtues o...
Keeping mosquitoes away is only part of your protection: the principal way of avoiding malaria is by takingantimalarial pills. They may not be 100% effective, but more than a million people die each year of the disease and you don’t want to be one of them. A specialist will tell you ...
During lactation period, most of the women are experiencing hairfalling in Inida. To avoid hair falling during those days, protien supplement is much concerned. Solar rediation is one factor for hair loss. In order to protect from this rediation, Vitami E contained hair oil is very ...
Keep yourself healthy by walking as much as you can (this will also save money on bus or taxi fares too!). If you want some more intensive exercise, why not join a yoga or gym class? Across the world, you will find lots of different disciplines that are great for keeping the body ...
Tips:When you’re hungry, eat something. When you’re thirsty, stop and drink water.Never underestimate how much a 30-second to two-minute break can help. If you need rest, take a brief one and then keep going. What is accommodation like?
Mid-Victorian working class men and women consumed between 50% and 100% more calories than we do, but because they were so much more physically active than we are today, overweight and obesity hardly existed at the working class level. The working class diet was rich in seasonal vegetables ...