Not yet. I do want to compare both heads on the short shaft to see the difference in distance between those 2 setups and see how much distance I actually gain from a standard driver length at 2" longer. Sir you are morally obligated to try both heads on both shafts and report those...
It is somewhat frustrating because a lot of review sites make it sound like fitting session are the holy grail but after my experience I almost wonder how much better off I am than getting as much information as possible and just buying off the rack (usually at a cheaper price). If ...
But the youngest generation, they don’t partake in the spirits as much. I think they’re more focused on golf all the time. That’s not how I came up in the game. I think you have to have a little bit of fun. I always tell the guys at the pro-ams, “If you can’t come ...
I still have the Cleveland CBX wedges in my bag BUT I also only play 25-30 rounds max per year, and some of those are 9 holes only. So I don't put as much wear on them as some other golfers do. As a result I tend to change them out less. ...
At my course the fairways are getting narrower (less pesticide/fertilizer). Fairways and roughs are mowed less frequently (less diesel). I was talking with the owner a few days ago and he strongly hinted he's about had enough. I don't know how much longer he's going to bother with ...
I think I tend to focus a little to much on the shorter distances and hazzards around the par three's. The thought of it's a par 3 it should be easy used to be a mental stumbling block as well. Recently I received some advice on playing par 3s, it was simple just aim for the ...
Not so much relevant now, but the golf balls that lasted me the longest on course were some of the older Nike RZN blacks. It really is a golf ball that I miss and really enjoyed playing. I had several last 27 plus holes... since then Tour Response has been a ball that seems to ...
I also know that once I breach the 7000 yard mark my chances to break 80 become much lower. Especially if the green complexes are difficult. My preference is to be around 6500 and to not exceed 6700. Anything lower than 6200 I feel is too "easy" for my skill set. I think course le...
I plan on building this hanging system that pretty much turns the stroller into a push cart. The plan is on nice days to take the baby, a few bottles, and the clubs and walk the course with her. They sleep a lot during the first few months and if the weather is nice, I don't ...
On the equipment front, aside from the top of bag, my gear hasn't changed much and at this point I know my clubs aren't even close to being the issue. I find myself in a strange position where I'm extremely unhappy with my swing (too vertical), but I don't do much ...