Today I was going to bake a 10-lb bag’s worth that I got at Costco (so much for selecting skinny ones), so perfect timing. I usually bake them at 400, so I guess I’ll ramp up the temp this time. Cutting into them sounds like a perfect plan. When done like this, do they ...
Also, as I mentioned, I do generally have an idea how much I will allow myself to spend on food each monthbut for me, that amount fluctuates depending on the month. I don’t worry as much about how to stick to a budget because I have trained myself to ask if I really need somet...
d. study showing that blueberries reduce the Suppose that there are two separate markets where bananas are sold. Suppose that the price for the bananas is $1.00 per pound in the first market and $0.25 per pound in the other. a. Dr...
pull them out and put them in the fridge to slowly dethaw. The freezing caused liquid inside the berries to grow and rupture the cell walls.This'll make crushing the fruit much easier
I used wild blueberries that are much darker than normal ones, so if you use regular ones, the color will probably be lighter. Either way, you’ll enjoy these all summer long. How To Make Fruit Popsicles With Fresh Fruit The hardest part of making these homemade fruit popsicles is waiting...
She bakes muffins using five inputs: flour, sugar, blueberries, electricity (for the oven), and labor. Her costs per muffin are as follows: $0.01 for flour, $0.02 for sugar, $0.03 for blueberries, $0.02 for electricity, and $0.10 for the W...
If you can find fresh dried beans, which is hard to do since no one really cooks their beans from scratch anymore, then you get reduced cook time and much better flavor. I’ve found that only the bodegas near me have the freshest beans and they are cheaper! The place I go has large...
OK, thinking of the “gluten free” labeling fad for things that should never have gluten in them in the first place: HOW much gluten does it really take to cause a problem? Are things like Oatmeal, that might be SLIGHTLY contaminated with something that contains gluten, really a potential...
For example, for a 150lb person, the weight loss caloric intake range would be about 1500 to 1800 calories per day. A more precise way to determine how much calories you burn on a daily basis is to use a BMR / RMR calculator.
$1786.68That’s right. For an entire year of farming/gardening/homesteading, it cost our family$148.89per month. But wait!! We also sold some baby goats in 2013 and made some moola. How much, exactly? Through a trade we received 2 baby doelings, we sold them for$300together. ...