The concentrations are almost always lower than 3wt%, except for some items where lead reaches 6wt%. In contrast, the lead content evolves much more continuously for cast objects up to much higher values (33wt%). For spoons, the lead content is generally below 3wt%, which tends to ...
When you antique furniture, you are creating a new fictional story; rewriting its history. To look original consider how it might have been used and worn over the decades. Distress the high points that would have received the most wear and tear and antique the low points or crevices where ...
Caveat the third: I did my absolute best to stick to the treasure tables in the DMG. Well, not the tables themselves. But the values. If you use my systems, the heroes will earn roughly as much treasure as they would if you used the s$&%y DMG system. It ain’t exact though. Par...
Millions of people are fascinated with the idea of looking for bargains at markets and antique shops. The allure of finding a truly unique historical specimen and selling it for a massive profit is a huge trend that developed in recent decades. One such story of success happe...
Q.A friend borrowed our meat grinder and washed the aluminum parts that are not dishwasher safe in the dishwasher! The once pretty shiny silver looking parts are now dark gray and leave a black tarnish on your fingers. How can I clean it, to get it to the point where it will be safe...
As busy as life is, we all spend some time doing a whole lot of nothing. Whether we’re wasting time on social media or TV, there are portions of our days when we could be more productive. Sure, downtime to relax and recoup is a vital part of life, but too much of it becomes ...
Q.A friend borrowed our meat grinder and washed the aluminum parts that are not dishwasher safe in the dishwasher! The once pretty shiny silver looking parts are now dark gray and leave a black tarnish on your fingers. How can I clean it, to get it to the point where it will be safe...