……利用我们称之为时空的 ...using the very fabric of our universe 宇宙结构 we call spacetime. 所有有质量的东西,比如恒星 Everything with mass, like stars, 行星和黑洞,都是这种曲线结构 planets, and black holes, all curve this fabric. 物体质量越大 The more massive the object, 时空的扭曲就...
Sometimes, Evolution Gets It Right the First Time How to Build an Electric Guitar How China Copied America’s Deadliest Helicopter How to Make Dry Ice Black Holes Could Be Back Doors to Other Universes Advertisement - Continue Reading Below...
when pondering the motions of Halley's Comet, came to the realization that the math that had been used thus far to describe physical motion of massive bodies, simply would not suffice if we were to ever understand anything beyond
它们的质量是太阳的数十亿倍 These are billions of times more massive than our sun. 它们都是庞然大物 These are gigantic objects. 超大质量黑洞的引力大得惊人 The gravity in the supermassive black hole is off the charts. 它吞噬了热狗星系中大量的 It sucks in incredible amounts 赖以形成恒星的气体...
thats both massive enough and dense enough... 黑洞 A black hole. 这是我们所知的宇宙中唯一可以为类星体 That is the only thing that we know of in the universe 提供能量的东西 that could power a quasar. 比太阳大25倍的恒星 Eventually, stars 25 times more massive 当它们与重力的长hearts;期...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 小行星 宇宙 陨石坑 universe 中英文 hearts 我们看过这样的电影,一颗巨大的小行星朝地球飞来Wesawthemovie,ahugeasteroidheadingtowardsEarth.与大气层剧烈摩擦,并撞击到地表面Collideswiththeatmosphere,crashingintothesurface.发出巨大的火球,产生致命的冲击波Tosendamassivefireball,a...
The WMAP spacecraft mapped the cosmic microwave background, laying the foundation for modern physics.
Quantiles can summarize massive database relations more robustly. Many commercial DBMSs use equidepth histograms, which are in fact quantiles, during query optimization in order to estimate the size of intermediate results and pick competitive query execution plans....
9、都是这种曲线结构planets, and black holes,all curve this fabric.物体质量越大The more massive the object,时空的扭曲就越大the bigger the distortionof spacetime.经典的类比是The classical analogy is拉伸的橡胶皮,对吧?this stretched rubbersheet, right?就像,一个太阳质量的天体,就像在这张皮上的And,...