This trick of the light was meant to evoke wonder and amazement in its readers, emphasizing the miraculous quality of Jesus' triumph over death.这种光影效果旨在让读者产生惊奇和敬畏之感,强调耶稣战胜死亡的神迹。But it's complicated.但事情并不那么简单。People don't always agree on the right way...
So, when reading the Old Testament, starting with the books written by Moses (the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy), we should not be surprised to find passages about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And there are many of them, startin...
We cooperate with the Holy Spirit in exposing our children to the things Jesus said and did while He was on earth. When teens reflect on the life of Jesus, the Holy Spirit opens their heart to all the ways that God loves them. So, tell your teens that God loves us in all five lang...
On a scale of 1-10, how friendly is your church? Here's one way to think about it - if your next-door neighbour attended your church for the first time, how confident would you be that they would receive a warm welcome? And if they went on their own, without you there to introd...
will." That may be true in some cases, but if we are walking in close fellowship with the Lord on a day-to-day basis--devoting ourselves to prayer and the study of His Word--we can trust that we are hearing from God when we ask for His will and wisdom in a situation. Jesus ...
And once you have God’s truth on many different areas in your life, then that truth will help make you free because you will no longer be bound up with wrong thinking! However, notice Jesus says that we have to“abide”in His Word in order to be able to get these truths worked int...
As you can see, there’s nothing overly expensive or fancy on my meditation altar. Again, you don’t need to break the bank to create a beautiful sacred space. Many items you can simply thrift or gather from your house/natural surroundings. ...
How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God? Historical Questions about Earliest Devotion to Jesus.(Brief article)(Book review)Bethany, Susan
none other than John Maynard Keynes, whose economic teachings were to be wrecked on the shores of reality in the decades following the war, while America's representative, Harry Dexter White, would later be uncovered as a Communist who was in contact with the Soviet regime for many years. —...
When reading the Gospel, I got a better understanding for who Jesus was and why many people followed Him, although it did not alter my view point much. This experience helped me gain knowledge on all accounts of Jesus’ life, rather than just reading one story about him. Although I found...