🇺🇸 January 20, 2029 1437 days 47 months 7 days 205 weeks 2 days 34,488 hours calendar countdown timer There are one thousand four hundred and thirty-seven days remaining until Inauguration Day, which falls on Saturday, January 20, 2029. This is calculated from today's date, which ...
All live races are available to watch on French broadcaster Canal+ until 2029 – that gets you full, live coverage of the 2025 F1 season, including practice sessions, qualifiers and every Grand Prix. The Bahrain, Monaco, United States and Mexico City Grands Prix will be shown on free-...
named "Tsushima Ocean Knife" is selling so well that, at its peak, about 100 units are sold per month, and samples are not being displayed in stores in time. Many consumers have found value in the Japanese kitchen knives that have been transformed by marine plastic waste, recognizing their...
On 30thOctober 2024, the UK Government presented its annual Autumn Budget, outlining its financial plan for the next few years. In this article, we provide an overview of the announcements that are most likely to affect you as an SMB, along with their possible implications. Regardless of the ...
Thus, the specific solar maximum won't be confirmed until many months — possibly a year — after it occurs. Because of this, and because it is impossible to know what sunspot numbers the next month will bring, we will not know when the specific solar maximum occurred until many months...
For many of us on Wall Street, these next months of cold weather, holiday lights and sweet treats also mean it is time to release investment outlooks for the year ahead. Before we launch our Outlook for 2025 next week, we wanted to check in on how the key views contained in our 2024...
2029 2,354 million +2.4% How many people use TikTok in 2025? Recent data shows that the number of users on TikTok has been increasing over the past few years. In 2025, this is forecast to hit 2.14 billion, marking a 4.2% increase from 2024’s 2.05 billion. Despite the annual increas...
Microsoft, to the astonishment of many, says that Outlook (new) will reach ‘General Availability’ (GA) soon. But what does that mean? For Outlook (new) it means “Customers with relevant licensing will be able to obtain regular and assisted technical support through their respective Microsoft...
What it does:Bars most proposed state rules from kicking in if the rule’s regulatory price tag is expected to cost the state more than $500,000 within the first five years of being implemented. The measure is expected to cut into many state programs. Any rule projected to exceed the...
Dan Carlin has been around for many years andHardcore Historyis one of the first examples people think of when they think of a good solo podcast. A Host, or Multiple Hosts, and a Panel of People If you’re looking for a different type of interview-style podcast, you can also choose a...