Why is the United States Split into States? Since the United State’s birth as an independent nation in 1776, the territory that the country would eventually come to occupy needed a system of organization to keep governing the ever-growing number of citizens manageable. The Original 13 States ...
We Hold These Truths ; Declaring Independence, since 1776! How Manifestos of Liberty Became a Great American Tradition by Robert TsaiTsai, Robert
按照国家宗教局的统一部署,重庆市民宗委将从今年5月上旬至7月底在全市宗教界开展“宗教政策法规学习月活动”。以此增强全市宗教教职人员和广大信教群众的国家意识、公民意识、法律意识,引领宗教界为中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦和“科学发展,富民兴渝”凝聚人心,增加力量。这说明 ...
(1793), where she met the woman with whom she spent the rest of her life, Henriette Simonnet de Ponty. Many things were said about this great woman, but none of them we know for sure. In different pamphlets and gossip of that patriarchal society, she was said to belong to the Anand...
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this report misstated how many presidential endorsements Arnold Schwarzenegger has given. This year's endorsement of Kamala Harris is his second since leaving the governor's office. Lead Art: Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed the Har...
Once the upstart foreigner stole Russia’s throne, there was no stopping her enlightened reforms, her empire's expansion, and her pursuit of love and legacy.
After the admission of Hawaii into the Union in 1959, the flag was officially changed for the 26th time since its creation. There are many government flags flown in the United States in addition to the national flag. Among them are the president’’ s and vice-president’’s flags and ...
Day as the eleventh federal holiday and close to another 15 years for all states to embrace it, so many were concerned gaining a twelfth federal holiday would take some time. The journey to make Juneteenth an official national holiday has come to an end, but for some, the designation is...
Many Australians celebrate the summer holiday with barbeques. Australians also honor the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who inhabited the land for 65,000 years,accordingto Australia Day Council. It is also a day when many new citizens are minted — the country added over 22,000 ...
Community, perhaps the most important purpose of democratic politics and government, is fading. Community was the vision in 1776 when our founders included “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one) in the Great Seal of the United States. ...