This can include verbal threats, even if they aren't carried out; spitting and assault (punching, kicking and headbutting, for instance); weaponized violence (using improvised objects, knives or guns); and, in the worst cases, homicide. Work-related violence has many different causes. But, ...
In light of recent tragic incidents in Abilene, including a shooting involving an armed security guard, many are questioning the training and responsibility required for licensed security guards in Texas. I, Rudy Fearless Fernandez, have carried a firearm in the past, learning through my concealed ...
In many states, a misdemeanor comes with the possibility of up to a year in jail and fines. Felonies can range anywhere from a year or more in prison. And theft almost always results in a restitution order (an order to pay the victim for their losses). Robbery Penalties Robbery conv...
and nibble on cookies we’ve brought for them. Geli Oh perks up at the word “elephant.” She saw many elephants in Garamba National Park, she says, which is where the LRA took her. Tongo Tongo shot two elephants one day, she says. “They say the more elephants they kill, the more...
Taylor Clement: I think that part of her life got very murky for her very fast. There was another man in Cayley's life. Mark Howerton was 22 years old and had been a star high school baseball player. Howerton lived in Houston but was often on Trinity's campus visiting friends. That...
In Colorado, probation is a common sentence after a criminal conviction. You agree to abide by certain terms and conditions in exchange for not going to jail (or for getting a reduced jail sentence). If you violate the rules, the judge can send you to jail or prison. Probation may be ...
determining factor for denying a rental application. Many tenant screening services will not provide arrests on the final report they send to the landlord. A landlord can find arrest records if they check court records themselves, however, they will need to exercise discretion in not using that ...
Another way to get into the Prison is through the rebel you can talk to located to the east of the jail, who can rally a group of warriors to mount an assault against the Prison while you sneak in. This distraction may help more than the merchant since it takes out more than a few...
“Whether it is children who go to jail for theft or for killing someone, or children who go to jail for Section 112, for me, it’s a defect and mistake within the larger system of the country,” Thicha said. “Right now, it might be too late, since in the past we ignored the...
However, the identification process didn’t appear to surface the 11 charges of sexual assault on a mentally disabled person – for which the host spent more than four years in prison. Airbnb told the news outlet it suspended the host’s account after it learned of the criminal conviction....