Challenges, hurts, and annoyances come to us all. And if we don’t deal with them biblically, it’s like having an inner gunny sack where we keep adding things. Even if we manage to control it for a while, eventually it will get too full and all that ugliness will come spilling out...
a time when the elves are growing increasingly remote, humans are increasingly dominant, and hobbits—rustic, half-sized humans—emerge as unlikely heroes. Immortal elves such as Galadriel can recall the First and Second Ages, thousands of years in the past, but the full story...
As an American, I have been very fortunate to live a significant portion of my adult life outside the United States, including many years in Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and 1990s, where Middle Eastern culture and Middle Eastern cultural values were still the dominant...
He has taught his biblically-based principles for becoming a more effective persuader and person to sales organizations, church groups, schools, and businesses. He has addressed thousands more through numerous television and radio appearances and his films. His Sunday school class held at first Baptis...
Parent Plus loans are not highly encouraged but are an option in situations where a family can afford it. They allow a guardian to take student loans out for their child but under their name so the debt does not fall on the student. ...
Aside from its new-life potential, sometimes an egg is a fungible, yet concrete commodity. One of the stranger examples of this comes from the Philippines. Spanish conquerors spent three centuries colonizing the islands, starting in the mid-1500s. They brought many varieties of Ca...
While biblically in-accurate, it may help you get started. The right fruit is how much love, power and the mind of Christ you operate in as a lifestyle, 24×7. You do the right, diligent and faithful spiritual disciplines before the battle, or you will arrive at the battle unprepared,...
Arian was a Jew infiltrator and how many years ago was that? Why would the Jews go after Russia and the Christian Russians had they not been a threat to their plan? Again, do not misinterpret what I am saying here. There is no denial on my part of the Roman Catholic Faith. Roman...
How to Handle Your Sexual Desires as a Single Girl 2. What I Do on This Side of Singleness Really Matters During the conference, there was an entire session for Q and A. I was so saddened by all of the pain, hurt, and struggle that was apparent in many of the questions. Many of...
Raising Successful Teens is a wonderful book. We have children ranging in age from 10 to 19, so I wish I had read this book a few years ago, actually, but I'm glad it's here now. While I think we have done fairly well in communicating with and teaching our childr...