没有足够的时间 Theres not enough time, 在宇宙诞生10亿年之后 a billion years after the universe was created, 要让它们达到10亿太阳质量…… for them to get to a billion solar masses in... 时间太短了 Its just too short a time, 所以除了吃东西,肯定还有 so there had to be another process,...
We all come from one small point. We are talking about theupper worlds, which then expand and bring us to our world. Our world, our universe, was also formed from a small dot. And so it is at each level: a small point descends and with the help of the matter formed in it turns...
地球 HowLifeBeganontheEarth?水星 火星TheSolarsystem Skimthepassageandmatchthemainideawitheachparagraph.Para.1 ATheformation(形成)oftheearth.Para.2Para.3Para.4 BTheimportanceofwaterforlife.CAwidelyacceptedtheoryaboutthe formationoftheuniverse.DThearrivalofhumansandtheir impact(影响)ontheearth.Para.5 ...
water for drinking, shelter for living, medical attention for healing, rest for resting, and recreation for relaxing. If you miany one from this list, that means you life is not as health as other people. For example, there was an explorer in the ancient age and he was traveling in a ...
When the universe was 0.01 seconds old, protons and neutrons began to organize into atoms. Finally, when the universe was the tender age of 380,000 years old, photons broke free, and light streamed across the dark chasms of space. This light eventually dimmed and reddened until, finally, ...
第二节 概要写作 【参考范文】 The theory that the universe started with a "Big Bang" is widely accepted. (要点1) After that, the earth was formed as a cloud of dust. It kept exploded violently and eventually, the atmosphere around it was formed, as well as water, which is really impor...
Earth's mightiest miniature hero made his in-universe debut in July 2015. Captain America: Civil War The third Captain America film was a mini-Avengers movie in all but name. It's set between May and June 2016, and introduced us to two more beloved MCU heroes in Spider-Man and Black ...
How the Universe Works《了解宇宙是如何运行的(2010)》第六季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,我们银河系的命运悬而未决 The fate of our galaxy hangs in the balance. 银河系正在消亡,而我们不知道是什么原因 The Milky Way is dying, and we dont know why. 我们的星
观察宇宙首先用到的是光,可见光First there was light,visible light.然后我们用无线电和X射线观察宇宙Then, we viewed the universein radio waves and Xrays.
being top secret and classified— was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the "Implicate order," which Eastwood says is projected by the brain and five senses i...