The VA recognizes many of the aforementioned medical conditions as linked with Agent Orange exposure. Vets can receive health care and disability compensation for injuries or health problems related to serving in the military, including Agent Orange exposure. The VA also provides medical care for chil...
(NAPOLEON) The JEWS are the master robbers of the modern age; they are the carrion birds of humanity. (LISZT) The presence of the JEWS in the midst of the European nations is a cause of many evils and a serious danger. (HEGEL) The state is incompatible with the JEWISH principle. ...
WWII US Army Serial Numbers: Meaning in the First Digits The U.S. Army began issuing serial numbers to help avoid mixing the records of people with the same name. (A genealogist’s dream come true!) When we dig a little deeper into the number itself, we can learn a bit about the pe...
It had become very apparent we really had a special group of great people making up our organization. Our in-country squadron commanding officers and other senior O’s and enlisted were WWII and Korean vets. Most of the rest of us were young enough to be their sons. We looked up to the...