Jews today are financially and politically powerful. (That is an understatement.) Sadly, many people today try to unite service to the God of Jesus Christ with service to the mammon of Christ-rejecting Jewish elites. This attempt at serving two masters (which Jesus taught is impossible) is th...
“Serial numbers are assigned with great care and according to a set of regulations. Consecutive serial numbers, for example, are not assigned to twins since this might cause confusion of identity between two persons with the same birth date and same general physical characteristics.” ...
It’s something that developer CCP Games is calling the ‘Eve Effect’, and it’s certainly not limited to veterans of the game. There are many ways you can quickly benefit from playing Eve Online yourself. Play for free The opportunity to learn from your mistakes If you’re going to tra...
Fast forward to today and most university jobs for foreigners are 1 or 2 year contracts, pay is around the 4 to 5 million yen a year (US$36,000 – 45,000), classes per week are usually in the 10 to 12 area, you have to be on campus 5 days a week, do all sorts of extra wo...
“Our veterans are being treated horribly. Likewise, with all of the money we will save by ending mass unskilled migration, we will have a huge dividend to address this crisis in our own country.” Urban camping will be banned and those who violate the bans will be arrested, he said, ...
And I would argue with him about that today. Because he did put down the Jews as Jews, many of whom I personally liked. Now I realize that this is an MO of rabbinic control. The days of Americans associating and trying after our diverse ways to understand each other and get on as ...